JFK impacted the attitudes of Americans. His charismatic demeanor and speech skills intrigued them and created interest in the White House like never before. Interest was added because of his youth, growing family, and beautiful young wife.
Jacqueline Kennedy, considered one of the most beautiful women of the time, heavily influenced fashion. She introduced a new, classy look that consisted of blouses, fitted jackets, pencil skirts, and few accessories. Her wardrobe was created by a French designer named Oleg Cassini. She always wore a 'pillbox' hat, high heels, pearls, and long evening gloves. Women worldwide began to mimic her elegant style, including her bouffant hair. Jackie Kennedy brought beauty and youth to the White House. She gave the White House a sense of Hollywood glamour. Click here for more information about Jackie's fashion influence.
Jackie is known for more than her stylish apparel; she also is known for her work to preserve art and history. Jackie also restored the White House, a debated decision. A tour of the new White House was televised, and declared a success. However, Jackie's popularity and stardom detracted from negative views about JFK's presidency, even negative opinons by foriegn ambassadors. Jackie was known for her hostess and entertaining abililties; she was highly respected worldwide. She was called the US's 'unoffical ambassador'.
Jackie also impacted society through her reaction to JFK's assassination. She refused to wash her blood-stained clothes after the assassination, and refused to allow anyone else to arrange the funeral. Her strength and courage in the face of JFK's assassination became the symbol of America's grief over the loss of JFK; she lead the mourning process and helped the nation heal. Click here to watch a clip of the Kennedy Wedding.
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